Fire & Perils Insurance

What is Fire & Perils Insurance?

This policy indemnifies the insured against the loss of or damage to the property insured arising from fire as well as from allied perils such as earthquakes, explosions, riots and strikes, malicious damage, winds/storms, tempests pr floods.

Other perils covered are damage/impact by by moving objects like motor vehicles and aircraft, and damage by bursting or overflowing water tanks or pipes. Rent receivable can also be covered under the fire policy.

1. Flammable fire or the actual ignition
2. Smoke damage
3. Lightning
4. Allied perils:

  • Standard explosion -explosion of boilers & compressors
  • Earthquake
  • Riot, strike and civil commotion
  • Malicious damage
  • Aircraft damage or falling aerial devices
  • Subterranean fire
  • Impact by any road vehicle /horses /cattle
  • Bush fire
  • Storm, wind, tempest/tornado
  • Rain
  • Overflowing of gutters & water pipes
  • Flood
  • Bursting or overflowing of water tanks & pipes

Claim Form


Proposal Form



What is the Claims documentation required?

  • Claim form duly completed
  • Photographs of the damaged property
  • Stock movement records
  • Inventory of equipment
  • Fire brigade report
  • Police Abstract report
  • Stock / property valuation before the loss
  • Any other documentation that may be specified

We are here to give you all the guidance and information you need

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